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Woman in a yellow dress walking through a lavender field at sunset, embodying spiritual healing and personal growth.
  • Are personalized therapy sessions designed to help you identify blockages, gain clarity, connect with your abilities, and improve relationships. After a detailed intake process, we use your astrological and Human Design charts along with your biological, psychological, social, cultural, ancestral, and spiritual background to tailor the sessions to your needs.


    Are you feeling? unfulfilled with life; unable to reach inner peace; having difficulty maintaining healthy relationships; holding a diagnosis or illness related to psych-somatic stress; low self esteem; lacking confidence; spiritually lost. 

"Couple embracing in a lavender field at sunset, signifying emotional connection and relationship healing.
  • Use astrological and Human Design synastry charts to understand the relationship at a deeper level.


    These sessions help couples understand behaviors, patterns, attachment, and conflict resolution.

    Most importantly, more than skills, couples are often intended to learn a soul lesson that can take a lifetime. 

Family walking together in a lavender field, representing family restoration and holistic well-being.
  • We use a family systems approach to explore attachment, boundaries, role modeling, parenting, conflict resolution, acceptance, and empathy.


    Together, we'll strengthen family connections, improve communication, and address any pain points for everyone involved.


    Are you experiencing? lack of communication; betrayal; blaming, abandonment; rejection; neglect.

Couple walking through a lavender field, symbolizing healing and growth in relationship therapy.
  • For couples who are ready to increase Olpha-Omega/Ying-Yang/ Feminine-Masculine energy to regain the spark and chemistry, as well as the use of sensate-touch techniques to welcome the body of your beloved once again. 


    Are you experiencing? lack or non-existant sexual intimacy; lack of attraction; repulsion.

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